5854 Ugg Classic Mini Grey Boots

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

AARP Director of 50+ Workforce Issues and a specialist in senior career issues

Four Potential Encore Career Paths to Consider by Lin Schreiber
You're ready for a change, want to (or have to) continue to work, but would love to strike out in a new direction. Not a clue where to start or what you think you'd like to do? How about some inspiration in the form of real-life stories about people just like you who are doing something different, and loving it? Here are five great Encore Career paths to consider:
Transform Your Current Work. One Encore Career path that you might not have thought of is taking what you love most about your current work and using that as a stepping off point for what's next. I always think of Hollywood producer Stephen Simon as a great example of transforming work you love into work you love even more.
Producer of acclaimed films including Academy Award® Winning "What Dreams May Come" starring Robin Williams and Cuba Gooding Jr., the classic "Somewhere In Time" starring Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour, and "All the Right Moves" starring Tom Cruise, his dream was always to make meaningful inspirational films. In 2004, he started the Spiritual Cinema Circle,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Grey Boots, a fabulous outlet for the many visionary films that are made each year but never make it into your local theatre. Each month, members of the Circle receive a DVD with a feature length film or documentary, and numerous short subjects that they get to keep.
Meanwhile, in 2005 Stephen fulfilled an important part of his dream when he directed and produced "Conversations with God" starring Neale Donald Walsch.
Be a Social Innovator. When Michele McRae retired, she wondered what she was going to do. On a whim, she took on a small pilot project and discovered a new passion — helping immigrants from around the world settle into American life.
An influx of refugees from more than 42 countries had changed the demographics of Michele's hometown of Fargo, ND,listening to the barking chorus that followed us even 3, creating tremendous challenges. Many people were afraid, but Michele thought if she could get just one retiree at a time to help one refugee learn English, things would improve.
Now as director of the Giving+Learning center where volunteers help refugees learn English -- a volunteer operation of more than 500 people - Michele is breaking down barriers across age, culture, race and ethnicity,aren't you. And, other cities around the country are adapting her model with success.
Become an Entrepreneur. Peg Heglund was bored with retirement, but her beliefs about working and age were definitely limiting her encore career possibilities. A former Registered Nurse, Peg re-assessed her skills and experience and opened a small consignment shop where for the next four years she acquired some good, solid business skills.
Following a conversation with Deborah Russell, AARP Director of 50+ Workforce Issues and a specialist in senior career issues, Peg created her business, Back to Work, a job placement service for people 55 and older.
Peg believes that meaningful work and being of service is life's greatest gift, and she's helping other retired people find that for themselves.
Express Yourself Creatively. After 28-years with the same high-tech company, Trish Reynolds jumped at the chance to golden parachute out and has never looked back. Her early retirement bought her the freedom to do what she'd always thought of as her "real" career: writing, which is what she'd been doing quietly all through the high-tech years.
Her first novel, The Doctor and the Witch Book I: A Question of Balance,Once you've moved yourself into a more relaxed state, was published by Dubsar House in Berkeley, CA. What's your real career? Writing, painting, acting, sculpting, fashion designing, or what?
Remember, these are just four possible directions your Encore Career might take you. Take the time to explore all the possibilities, and don't forget to follow your heart.

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