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Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Lion In The Marble by Jane Derry

The Lion In The Marble by Jane Derry
The use of stories is a wonderful way to introduce and explore spiritual concepts. I love to tell stories and have plenty of opportunity in my work with people in recovery. I am going to share here a very effective and feeling-provoking little tale,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Grey Boots. Then there are some questions - I encourage you to answer them for yourself.
The Lion in the Marble
Once upon a time, (when I start my stories with this, people know a story is about to follow, and they usually lean in) there lived a little boy about 5 years old. The little boy was shy but curious and loved to wander the cobbled streets in his little Italian village.
One day he noticed a huge block of marble being delivered to the artisan of the village. The little boy followed the marble down the street, and watched it being set up in the Master Sculptor's workshop. The child was fascinated, and came to watch the man and the marble whenever he could for several weeks.
The little boy and his family left the village for a number of months to go and visit family in another part of the country. When the boy returned, he was anxious to go see the man and the marble. As soon as he was able,As the time to leave approached, he scampered down the streets to the workshop. He stopped in his tracks, he gasped,Focus and Context, he stepped back, he couldn't believe his eyes! Where the block of marble used to be, there sat a large and powerful lion.
The wide eyed little boy looked at the sculptor and whispered quietly, "Sir, tell me,you will naturally progress in that direction., how did you know there was a lion in that marble?"
The sculptor smiled at the child, "Boy, I knew this lion was in the stone, because I saw him there with my heart, and then I removed everything that was not the lion."
1. Who or what is chipping away the marble surrounding your true self?
2. Who or what has been adding on more marble?
3. What are the chips and chunks that have fallen away?
4. What are those chips and chunks that aren't you, made of?
5. What is in the center of your block of marble?
6. Choose one or more of the following:
a. Describe that center in a couple of paragraphs or essay.
b. Draw or paint the center.
c. Write a poem describing the center.
d. Any other creative expression that you can share with the group, representative of the center.
I hope this little tale has challenged you to explore the pure center of your being. If you would like to share your answers, please do!
Jane Derry
A Home Away Retreat - Rethink Rehab & Addiction

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